Expertly crafted by the Vergnano family in legendary Torino – the heartland of Italian gin distilling – Malfy Gin Rosa is the perfect summer mixer. Try it on the rocks, with tonic or in this refreshing and delicious Pink Lemonade
Think of the picturesque Italian coast and what comes to mind? Sun-drenched streets, colourful terraces towering above the waves… and trees laden with ripe
citrus fruits.
The Amalfi Coast is the perfect place to enjoy ‘dolce far niente’ – the sweet art of doing nothing.
Made with sun-ripened Sicilian pink grapefruit, juniper, rhubarb and botanicals, Malfy Gin Rosa fits the occasion perfectly.
With an alluring blush pink colour, a juicy citrus burst on the tongue and a
rich, long juniper finish, it’s a taste of the sweet life.
Say ‘saluti’ with Malfy Gin Rosa.
Taste of Italy Pink Lemonade
2 parts Malfy Gin Rosa
1 part limoncello
3 parts soda water
Mix all ingredients together. Enjoy!