Make Your Own Ice Wine Bucket

Make Your Own Ice Wine Bucket


  • 1 large metal or plastic bucket
  • 1 smaller metal or plastic bucket
  • heavy stones
  • water
  • fruit, flowers, leaves
  • large tray or towel
  • ice
Get creative with your ice game, and make your party unforgettable.

Ready to chill your next party? Here are four cool ideas to elevate your event. 

  1. Fill a small metal or plastic bucket with heavy stones, then place inside a larger metal or stone bucket (you will need approximately a 1-2cm gap between the sides)
  2. Carefully pour cold water into one side of the outer bucket until it reaches approximately 1 inch below the top of the inner bucket. You want enough weight from the stones to stop the inner bucket from floating, but still need a little lift to give you the bottom layer of ice
  3. Now carefully slide fruit, flowers and leaves down into the water between the two buckets. There are no rules on what you use, try slicing some fruits and using other smaller fruits like blueberries whole. We used a spoon handle to guide some fruit towards the bottom of the bucket. You can also use heavier fruits at the top to wedge lighter fruits, flowers and leaves below
  4. Freeze overnight, then remove from freezer and test hardness
  5. Remove rocks from the small bucket and fill with hot water to loosen it. Gently pull the smaller bucket out
  6. Carefully run hot water around the outside of your outer bucket for 30 seconds to a minute, then tip upside down, supporting the ice structure with your other hand and it should slide out. If it remains stuck, run hot water over the outer bucket until it's ready to slide
  7. Place on a large tray or towel, add some party ice and fill with your favourite wine

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