3 fresh, ripe peaches, chopped, or 1 cup tinned peach pieces
2 tablespoon sugar
120ml shots peach schnapps
juice of one lemon
1 bottle Lindauer Classic Pinot Gris NV
soda or sparkling water
ice: make spheres or cubes of ice with pale flower petals
This fruity thirst quencher is guaranteed to please at your next gathering. Serves 4
If using fresh peaches, place the pieces in a small saucepan with the sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer until peaches are soft. Once cool, remove the skin from the peaches and set aside
To make the peach puree, use a blender (or food processor) to blend the peach pieces (either tinned plus the sugar or prepared as above) to make a puree
Add to a cocktail shaker filled with ice, and then add the peach schnapps and lemon juice
Shake well, then taste and adjust as necessary depending on your preference you may wish to add a little more sugar or lemon
Pour equal amounts into four champagne saucers or flutes then top with sparkling wine nearly to the top, then add a splash of soda or sparkling water
Add an ice cube and serve

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