30ml vodka
25ml Baileys
25 ml créme de cacao
25g Cadbury Mini-eggs or Crispy M&Ms
1 teaspoon runny honey
This chocolate delight is perfect for the grown-ups while the kids go on their own Easter egg hunt! Serves 1
To make the rim: crush mini-eggs or crispy M&Ms (or a mix of both if you like) in a blender or pestle and mortar. Brush glass rim with honey, and invert glass into the blended chocolates. Use a clean pastry brush to stick more on the glass if required.
Pour vodka, Baileys and créme de cacao into a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice. Shake well, then strain into a mini-margarita glass and serve.
TOP TIP: If the weather is warm, pop the glasses in the freezer for about half an hour before sticking honey and chocolate on the rim. This will stop it melting too fast.

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