Originally created as a limited release, Mac's Stunt Double Golden Ale is such a hit, it's now staying on the shelves
When Mac's Stunt Double Alcohol Free* Golden Ale first hit the shelves in December 2020, it was scheduled to run for a limited time. However, there's been such a demand for this refreshing golden ale, it has become a permanent fixture and is available now in Liquorland stores.
Demand for low and no-alcohol drinks continuing to trend upwards, but consumers are after a drink that tastes true to the original - something Mac's Stunt Double does in spades. With pale and crystal malts, it provides a smooth, caramelised malt flavour and a full-bodied taste. Aroma hops added late in the brewing process gives the beer a delicate citrus flavour on top of just enough bitterness to balance the sweetness from the malt.