To continue our celebration of Liquorland's 35th year, we chat to longstanding employee Warrick Kemeys about his journey with the company
How long have you been at Liquorland and what part of the company do you work in?
I started with the company on the 1st April 1984 – a date that is synonymous with all sorts of practical jokes and should have been a pointer to my future endeavours.
How did it all begin for you?
Originally my first foray into the industry was because I had thrown in my original job as a telecommunications draftsman to open a restaurant. For a variety of reasons, it didn’t eventuate and I needed a job that was better than picking apples in Hawke's Bay for $1.80 an hour – assuming that it didn’t rain!
What has been your best memory from your time with Liquorland?
Where do I begin – if I had to sum it up in a word or two it would be “the people". I have meet them all – from saints to sinners and everything in between.
What’s your drink of choice?
Water providing it has been used to produce alcohol! Just joking. Usually a nice cold beer or one of our beautiful Australasian red wines. The wine industry here is one of the greatest success stories in the world. We have access to some of the best-quality wine in the world.
Have you got any funny memories you’d like to share from over the years?
There are too many to recount and some people would have my guts for garters if I repeated them. However, I do recall one instance – and this is a true story – when the CEO at the time told a certain supplier that he would have to see an elephant in the carpark before he would buy his product. Later, with much fanfare, a live elephant arrived at Liquorland MacIndoes (head office was upstairs in those days).
Needless to say the supplier got his order!